How to use your headshots … now that you have them!

Did you know an updated headshot can significantly impact your networking opportunities and job prospects?

There are a plethora of reasons you SHOULD update your headshot. But, what do you do with it once you have them in your digital hands?

What could/should be a simple web search doesn’t really provide you with a lot of suggestions. That’s why I decided to write this post.

There are so many opportunities to use your headshot to promote yourself and your business.

First things first, you need to take a long, hard look at the headshots you are using across the various platforms - whether they are social media, professional networks, or your website.

  • most experts recommending having headshots updated every 1-2 years

  • update your headshots when your look has changed dramatically

  • you have a new job or position

  • your current headshot is a selfie (please don’t tell me if it is, just book in to get it updated)!

  • you have established or updated your personal brand

Where to use your professional headshot!

Studio Collins Photography LinkedIn headshot


  • the headshot is so prominently featured at the top of LinkedIn, it needs to make a strong impression

  • it helps people put a face to a name

  • it shows that you are active on LinkedIn - outdated headshots may make it look like you aren’t actively using the platform

Studio Collins Photography website headshot

Your Website

  • website visitors will feel they are actually interacting with a real person instead of just a faceless website

  • a headshot will enable visitors to identify with your work and want to engage with you further

  • letting potential clients know that a real and contactable person oversees your site will deepen a degree of trust in your pages, products or services

Email Signatures

  • you’re presenting yourself as an interesting and approachable person who the receiver would like to respond to

  • useful for building relationships with leads and customers and lets recipients associate your email with a recognisable face

  • your email signature will stand out in a crowded inbox, not just with words but with a friendly face

Studio Collins Photography networking headshot

Networking and

Guest Appearances

  • a professional headshot helps you to stand out in a sea of networking attendees

  • it allows you to boost your visibility, and helps to create anticipation and recognition

  • attendees can connect with you not just as a speaker or presenter but as a person they've already seen and engaged with in promotional materials


What do you do now?

If you don’t already have recent professional headshots, then give me a call and we can get you sorted. If you have them in your digital hands, then you need to make a list of ALL the places you should have a headshot and start updating them!

And whilst you are here: where else can we pop our headshots to get maximum bang for our hard-earned bucks?


You have new headshots! Now what?!


Elevate Your Business with High-Quality Photography: The Power of Visual Storytelling