More ideas for your personal branding shoot!

So you have come back for some more ideas for a personal branding session! You are in luck because I have another 15 (boom - that makes a total of 30 different ideas) to incorporate into your personal branding shoot!

1. Introductions: Showcase your squad and let your audience get to know the faces behind the magic. Introducing your team members and collaborators humanises your brand and strengthens your community. Whether it's a group photo or individual spotlights, these images showcase the personalities behind your brand and foster trust with your audience.

2. A Relatable Failure: Get vulnerable and share those stumbling blocks that shaped your journey. Sharing stories of setbacks and challenges demonstrates vulnerability and resilience, deepening your audience's connection to your brand. Whether it's a candid moment of frustration or a reflective post-mortem, these images humanise your journey and inspire empathy.

3. Your Daily To-Do List: Get real and show ‘em what a day in the life looks like. Offering a peek into your daily tasks and responsibilities showcases the hustle behind your success. Whether it's a meticulously organised planner or a chaotic to-do list, these images highlight your work ethic and dedication to your craft.

4. Share One of Your Big Goals: Let your audience dream big with you and be part of your journey. Opening up about your ambitious goals and aspirations invites your audience to dream big with you. Whether it's a vision board or a bold declaration, these images inspire action and foster a sense of community around your journey.

5. Different Emotions: Break out of the smiling mould and show the real, raw emotions behind your journey. Expressing a range of emotions in your imagery adds depth and authenticity to your brand persona. Whether it's joy, frustration, or determination, these images capture the nuances of the human experience and resonate with your audience on a visceral level.

6. Celebratory Images: Pop the champagne and celebrate those wins, big and small. Sharing moments of triumph and success creates a sense of celebration and camaraderie with your audience. Whether it's a milestone achievement or a simple victory dance, these images spread positivity and reinforce your brand's momentum.

7. The Tools of Your Trade: Show off your toolkit and let your audience see the tools behind the magic. Displaying the tools and equipment you use in your work reinforces your expertise and professionalism. Whether it's a sleek camera setup or a cluttered artist's studio, these images provide insights into your craft and build credibility with your audience.

8. Post About a Freebie or Content Upgrade: Hook your audience with irresistible offers and watch those email lists grow. Promoting your free resources and incentives encourages audience engagement and builds your email list. Whether it's a downloadable guide or a bonus webinar, these images showcase the value of your offerings and drive conversions.

9. Education: Share your expertise and give your audience those ‘aha’ moments they crave. Sharing valuable insights and tips demonstrates your expertise and positions you as a trusted authority in your niche. Whether it's a quick tutorial or a step-by-step guide, these images empower your audience and provide tangible value.

10. Transformational Journey: Showcase the before-and-after of your clients’ transformations, highlighting the magic of your services. Documenting the transformations of your clients showcases the impact of your products or services. Whether it's a before-and-after photo series or a success story highlight, these images inspire confidence and demonstrate your expertise.

11. Your Personal Life: Let your audience peek behind the curtain and see the person behind the brand. Offering glimpses into your personal life fosters a sense of intimacy and relatability with your audience. Whether it's family outings or cozy nights at home, these images showcase the person behind the brand and deepen emotional connections.

12. Pointing Pictures: Create versatile images that’ll come in handy for all your future content needs. Creating versatile images with blank space allows for flexible use across various content formats and platforms. Whether it's pointing to a call-to-action or leaving room for text overlay, these images maximise engagement and amplify your messaging.

13. Client Testimonials: Shine the spotlight on your satisfied clients and let their words speak volumes about your biz. Featuring testimonials from satisfied clients adds social proof and credibility to your brand. Whether it's a heartfelt quote or a video testimonial, these images build trust and encourage potential customers to take action.

14. Community Engagement: Capture moments of you giving back to your community or supporting causes close to your heart, showcasing your commitment beyond business. Sharing moments of community involvement and social responsibility reinforces your brand's values and impact. Whether it's volunteering at a local charity event or participating in a community clean-up, these images resonate with socially conscious audiences and foster goodwill towards your brand.

15. Announcements for This Year: Spill the beans on what’s next for your business and get your audience buzzing with excitement. Teasing upcoming milestones and events keeps your audience engaged and excited about your brand's journey. Whether it's a new office space or a major collaboration, these images generate anticipation and reinforce your brand's growth trajectory.

So, if you don’t already have recent professional headshots, then give me a call and we can get you sorted.

Wondering what the first 15 ideas were? Head here to check them out!


DIY vs Hiring a Professional Photographer


Planning for your personal branding shoot!